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Showing posts with the label #PCDinOz

Idiot Bitches - Death Cancelled?

Last Time I Checked Jesus Was Dead! Death cancelled? Even less evidence of that having actually happened than there is for Jesus himself having happened - and that is really saying something!

An Acceptable Quid Pro Quo

NB: Holding of hands as depicted above not recommended in single sex high schools An offer to all those folks hell bent on letting taxpayer funded chaplains and their poisonous snake oil loose on our children ...  How about we let the taxman loose on you church books? After all, if two bit traveling circuses are obliged to pay their taxes, there is no reason you clowns shouldn't pay your taxes too. #TaxTheChurch #TheGodsNeverWere #PCDinOz

Because The God of All Creation Cares ...

About your underwear! Don't let anyone leave this particularly endering detail off of the list of the vitally important things that the God who created the entire Cosmos cares about when it comes right down to you. You being member of 8 plus billion individuals, making up one the 350 plus species of  primates, representing 0.0000007% of the total number of species on Earth. Earth being one single tiny planet of nine in a quaintly undersized solar system,  which is only one among 150 plus billion making up the milky way galaxy, itself being one of approximately 50 making up the local group of galaxies containing 150 plus billion stars .... and on and on it goes.  It's so encouraging to know that in amonst all of this, God cares for us right down to this level of intimant detail that I've taken to obsessivly banging the personal stains out of my secret sacred smalls with a rock and if you truely loved the latter day Jesus as much as I do (and want to avoid the flames of etern

An Inclusive Christian Church for the 21st Century!

  Whore mongers! Above: Civil-minded and modern thinking members of the 21st century christian church demonstrate they have their "fingers on the pulse" of everyday people's issues.  It's encouraging to witness the inclusive approach modern followers of Jesus Christ and his church are employing now in the 21st century when taking a stand on important and meaningful social issues. Previously only fishmongers, rumormongers and ironmongers got a mention. A timely victory for inclusivity to finally welcome the   Whore mongers!